Summer Circuit Series: The District Basketball Club
By: tachevskidejan 
April 7, 2016

Opportunity is defined by Merriam Webster as "a good chance for advancement or progress." As a high school basketball player, that good chance for progress towards a college scholarship is during the spring and summer live periods. It is during those period that coaches and scouts from across the country flock to tournaments and evaluate the future of college basketball.

The importance of seizing that opportunity is what Coach Walter Booth continued to instill in his team in practice this Wednesday at Cesar Chavez High School. The second year District Basketball program is coming off a successful first tournament at the Capitol Hoop Fest. Its 17u team won the championship and its 16u finished runner up to a highly touted Baltimore United sqaud, a team they defeated in pool play. Both accomplishments are part of the team's new focus going into season two as expressed by Coach Booth: "Going into year two we were trying to set the tone of taking it to the next level. I thought we did a very good job of competing last year and played very talented teams close. This year we are trying to win those games."

Their next challenge comes this weekend as they look to repeat as champions; this time at the Big Shot Tournament hosted by D.C. Premier. Practice commenced with an hour and a half of pure fundamentals. Full court slide drills, drive and dish shooting, 4 on 4 shell defense/offense, and a host of training exercises focused on the details of the game. During much of practice, you could see the teams broken up in groups receiving advice from their coaches, whether it be Coach Oriola taking a guard to the side and pointing out a defensive assignment or Coach Dunning encouraging players to take open shots.

The team will hardly get time to rest as the season kicks into high gear. After this week's tournament, they will travel to New York to compete in the Elev8 Hoops tournament and also have plans to play in the annual Boo Williams tournament in Virginia. There season will likely end in Vegas at the Super 64 tournament at the end of the summer. With returning star Kyle Copeland and the additions of point guards Denmark Slay II and Donald Carey (who is recovering from a foot injury), the 17U team will have a solid back-court. They will also have size in the front court with 6'8 Tyler Williams.  6'7 forward Charles Snowden is also set to have a break out summer.

Despite having very capable individuals scorers with players such as Copeland and Jacob Long, Coach Booth persists that the team's focus is and always will be defense and team basketball. "We talk a lot about defense, I really believe that defense wins championships, we preach that everyday. As far as offense, we practice sharing the ball and taking the right shot, not just any shot. We try to play more team oriented basketball where everyone shares the ball." Stated Coach Booth.

That philosophy will inevitably increase the chances of players on the District Club getting their opportunity this spring and summer. A fundamental ideal that the District Basketball Club was built upon. "Building this program we knew we were going to be the underdogs. We embraced that role and wanted to give the kids an opportunity to showcase their talent and show that they are better than what people might think they are." Last week's championship run was a step in the right direction, and at the rate The District Club is headed they may not wear the underdog tags for long.


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