Indihoops and Hoopfunds Partnership
By: hoopfunds 
January 5, 2017

When you think about youth basketball, travel teams etc., one of the first questions you ask is, “who is funding all of this?” So many different costs such as uniforms, equipment, travel fees, club fees, facility rentals and more. Unless you’re being sponsored by a big time company such as Nike, the funds are very limited and will be coming from many different sources. Coaches, parents, friends, organizations are primary sources.  What teams ultimately rely on is fundraising! I can tell you when I was growing up we did all sorts of fundraisers such as, selling candy bars, having car washes, bake sales and selling coupon books.  How much candy do you have to sell today in order to by new uniforms? That is why Hoopfunds was created! is a crowdfunding platform for the basketball community. The term crowdfunding is raising small amounts of money from many different people. Users set up a free account, create their page and are able to receive donations securely online.  Today I’m announcing that Hoopfunds and Indihoops have formed a strategic partnership. Hoopfunds ultimate goal is to be the go-to platform for the basketball community when it comes time to raise funds for their basketball needs. Indihoops is a well established basketball hub that provides great services to the youth basketball world and beyond. We are excited to utilize both platforms to ensure teams/players are not being left being because of lack of funds. I want to personally thank the Indihoops team for this promising opportunity and I’m looking forward to a BIG year for everyone.

Gibran Carter  - Founder/Hoopfunds


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