RAS Milwaukee is a 501-3c Non Profit youth basketball program built to provide both young boys and girls with the necessary skills to excel on the floor and in life. Leading by example our staff teaches players that success is a direct function of hard work, integrity and humility. Through a demanding national schedule we will prepare our players for basketball beyond high school while giving them maximum exposure to college coaches. A consistent message throughout the program will engrain the core beliefs of RAS Milwaukee that have proven to be a winning combination. Those core beliefs are based on respect.
Respect yourself: Be smart! Do not jeopardize your future goals by making bad choices. Take care of your body and prepare yourself as best you can for success
Respect others: Treat everyone with respect and as an equal. Be humble and show compassion to opponents, coaches, classmates and neighbors.
Respect the game: Understand that playing this game is a privilege so play fair and play clean. Take nothing for granted by giving max effort every time you step on the floor